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HMS Colossus (1943)

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HMS Colossus



Исторические данные
1 июня 1942 Заложен
30 сентября 1943 Спущен на воду
16 декабря 1944 Введен в строй
6 августа 1946 Выведен из боевого состава
1978 Сдан на слом
Общие данные
13 190 / 18 040 т. Водоизмещение
211,8 / 24,4 / 7,09 м. Размерения
1300 чел. Общая численность


Зенитная артиллерия

Однотипные корабли
HMS Colossus (R15) - головной корабль серии лёгких авианосцев ВМС Великобритании одноимённого типа. Заложен на британской верфи Vickers-Armstrong во время Второй мировой войны. В августе 1946 года передан Франции и переименован в Arromanches.

Общие сведения

Класс "Колосс", также называемый легкими авианосцами проекта 1942 года, был последним авианосцем британского флота, построенным во время Второй мировой войны. Кроме того, это была, возможно, самая амбициозная программа строительства капитальных кораблей в истории Королевского флота со времен дредноутов. Эти суда действительно были спроектированы для “массового производства” и имели приоритет на британских военно-морских верфях над всеми остальными, причем гражданские верфи также брались за строительство более легких судов противолодочной обороны. Однако они не были повторением довоенного прославленного или производного от него класса "Неутомимый". Они были намного меньше и дешевле, но адмиралтейство решило, что их небольшая, но универсальная авиагруппа предназначена как для задач сопровождения, так и для традиционных операций флота.

The Colossus class also called 1942 Design Light Fleet Carriers, was the last British fleet carriers to be completed in WW2. They were also arguably the most ambitious capital ship programme in the history of the Royal Navy since the dreadnoughts. These vessels were indeed designed for “mass production” and took priority in British Naval Yards over all else, with civilian yards taking on the construction of lighter ASW vessels as well. They were not however a repeat of the prewar Illustrious or the derived Indefatigable class. There were much smaller and cheaper, but the admiralty resolved that their small but versatile air group was tailored for both escort missions and traditional fleet operations.

История создания

Основная статья: Авианосцы типа Colossus

Постройка и испытания

Лёгкий авианосец HMS Colossus (R15) заложили 1 июня 1942 года на верфи Vickers-Armstrong в Тайне с заводским номером 55. Спущен на воду 30 сентября 1943 года и введен в строй 16 декабря 1944 года.

Описание конструкции


Схема HMS Colossus.


Энергетическая установка и ходовые качества

Экипаж и обитаемость

Численность экипажа HMS Colossus составляла 1300 человек.


Авиационное вооружение

37 aircraft

Зенитное вооружение

Зенитные орудия 40-мм орудия Bofors
Зенитные орудия 20-мм/70 Oerlikon.

Зенитное вооружение состояло из 24 счетверённых автоматических установок 40-мм/56 Bofors, 11 спаренных установок 20-мм/70 Oerlikon и 10 орудий 20-мм/70 Oerlikon в одиночной установке.

Характеристики 40-мм Bofors 20-мм Oerlikon
Длина ствола, калибров 56 70
Длина ствола, мм 2 249 2 210
Вес артиллерийской установки, кг 508-528 520
Вес снаряда, кг 0,894 0,123
Углы возвышения от -10° до + 90° от -15° до + 85°
Максимальная скорость подъема ствола 25°/с н/д
Начальная скорость снаряда, м/с 881 831
Скорострельность, выстр/мин 120-150 450
Максимальная дальность стрельбы, км 6-7 4,4

Средства связи, обнаружения, вспомогательное оборудование

Electronic equipment type 79B, type 281B, 6x type 282 radars, type 144 sonar

Модернизации и переоборудования

mid-1945: Colossus: - 11 x 2 - 20/70, 10 x 1 - 20/70; + 19 x 1 - 40/56 Bofors Mk I/III

1/1946, Colossus: 19 x 1 - 40/60 Mk III, 6 x 4 - 40/39 Mk VII, 37 aircraft, type 79B, type 281B, 6x type 282 radars, type 144 sonar

История службы

Вторая мировая война

WW2 service After completion on 16 December 1944,HMS Colossus made her shakedown run and fixes close to the yard in January-March, under command of Captain G.H. Stokes. She left Glasgow on 12 March 1945 for the Far East, with 24 Vought Corsair IV fighters freshly arrived, from 1846 NAS plus 18 Fairey Barracuda Mk.II torpedo bombers from 827 NAS. She sailed south to the Channel, Gulf of Gascony, Spanish coast down to Gibraltar, then crossed the Mediterranean, the Suez canal, and arrived at Colombo in Ceylon on 13 June 1945.

On 7 Jul 1945, she was escorted underway by the battleship HMS Anson from Trincomalee for Fremantle after conducting refuelling exercises off Trincomalee. With HMS Vengeance and Colussus she arrived in Fremantle, joined underway by HMS Venerable (flagship, Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt) from Colombo and later joined by HMS Anson, which refuelled destroyers en route. after arrival on 16 July 1945, HMS Anson escorted HMS Venerable, Vengeance, Colussus and the destroyers HMS Tyrian and Tuscan for Sydney. They all arrived at Sydney in the morning of 22 July except Tuscan (afternoon) and HMS Colossus which which entered Jervis Bay a bit earlier than the others.

Sydney, Australia, was the rear operating base of the BPF, and the unit was worked up throughout the remainder of July. Upon arrival, she saw her 20 mm Oerlikon guns replaced by single 40 mm Bofors guns and by August she became flagship, Rear Admiral Cecil Harcourt at the head of the 11th Aircraft Carrier Squadron with her sisters HMS Venerable, Vengeance, and Glory. The war ended as they were underway.

The first operation was a sortie to re-occupy Hong Kong (19 August), and together with Colossus were the carrier HMS VENERABLE, the cruiser SWIFTSURE, EURYALUS, the monitor PRINCE ROBERT and the destroyers KEMPENFELT, URSA, WHIRLWIND and QUADRANT under the operational name of Task Group 111.2 under orders of Rear Admiral Cecil Harcourt. She was the floating HQ for the occupation task force on Shanghai with the cruisers Bermuda and Argonaut, plus five destroyers. She was alone as the head of Task Group 111.3 with HMS BERMUDA (Flying the Flag of Rear Admiral Servaes, Flag Officer Commanding 2nd Cruiser Squadron). Argonaut as said, plus the destroyers TYRIAN, TUMULT, TUSCAN and QUIBERON.

Cold War service In December 1945, HMS Colossus carried Dutch POW back to Colombo. On 17 January 1946, Colossus arrived off Cape Town to fly off her Barracuda and Corsair to Naval Air Station Wingfield, prior to drydock refit in the Selborne dry dock of Simonstown. Refit was carried out notably to repair her damaged bow. On March 26th she was floated out, and went on with the refit at berth until April, sailed around Cape Point, Table Bay, recuperating her Corsair from RNAS Wingfield base. One however during landing operations veered to port and ditched to the sea. The pilot was rescued by the frigate HMSAS Transvaal close to her as safety ship.

In July 1946, she had completed her first tour of duty in the Far East. On 6 August, HMS Colossus was transferred to France, for a five year loan. She was recommissioned in Toulon under the new name “Arromanches” (A beachead in Normandy, part of the British landing zone “Gold”). In 1951, Arromanches was officially purchased as the loan expired, after two deployments to Indo China. She would make two more deployments until 1954. Later that same year she was back in the Mediterranean and took part in Suez operations flying Corsairs and Avengers. In 1957-1958 she was completely refitted, following British advances, with a 4° angled flight, mirror landing device. She would ne refitted again in 1968 as a multirole helicopter carrier and serve until 1974, BU in Toulon 1978. A full article will be written on Arromanches in the future.

The page of HMS Colossus was last updated in January 2022.

1 Dec 1944 At 0900A/1, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) is commissioned for trials at Newcastle on Tyne. (1)

5 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) proceeded down river, from her builders yard to North Shields. (1)

14 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted trials off the Tyne during which she was escorted by the escort destroyer HMS Wolsey (Lt. F.W. Hayden, RN). (1)

15 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) departed North Shields for trails and passage to Rosyth. She was escorted by the escort destroyer HMS Verdun (Lt.Cdr. D. Parsons, RD, RNR). (1)

16 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted trials in the Firth of Forth following which she was accepted from the shipyard. (1)

26 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted D/G trials in the Firth of Forth following which she departed for Greenock. Around 1500A/26, when off the boom gate she was joined by the destroyers HMS Obedient (Lt.Cdr. H. Unwin, DSC and Bar, RN) and HMS Orwell (Lt.Cdr. J.R. Gower, DSC, RN) as escorts.

The destroyers parted company around 0620A/27.

Around 0915A/27, the frigate HMS Loch Fyne (Lt.Cdr. H.H.D. MacKillican, DSC, RD, RNR) joined as escort.

Around 1635A/27, HMS Loch Fyne parted company.

Around 1915A/27, HMS Colossus anchored off Greenock. (1)

28 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted speed trials on the Arran measured mile. (1)

29 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted steering trials in the Clyde area. (1)

30 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted turning and speed trials in the Clyde area. (1)

31 Dec 1944 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted D/F calibration trials in the Clyde area. (1)

1 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted D/F calibration trials in the Clyde area. (2)

2 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

3 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

4 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

5 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

6 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

7 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

13 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted full speed trials and flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

14 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

15 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

17 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

20 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

22 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

23 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

24 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

25 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

26 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

27 Jan 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

13 Feb 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted full power trials and flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (3)

16 Feb 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted compass swing trials and flying training exercises in the Clyde area. (3)

17 Feb 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted D/F calibration trials off Greenock. (3)

19 Feb 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (3)

20 Feb 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations between the Clyde and Belfast Lough. She was escorted by the frigates HMS Dart (Cdr. J.T. Jones, RD, RNR) and Cranstoun (A/Lt.Cdr. E.W. Rainey, RN).

They returned to Greenock early on 21 February 1945. (3)

21 Feb 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (3)

22 Feb 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (3)

23 Feb 1945 During 23/24 February 1945, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted (night) flying operations in the Clyde area. (3)

26 Feb 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (3)

5 Mar 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (4)

6 Mar 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (4)

7 Mar 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (4)

8 Mar 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (4)

9 Mar 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations in the Clyde area. (4)

10 Mar 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) proceeded from Greemnock to Glasgow. (4)

12 Mar 1945 Around 1330A/12, the light aircraft carriers HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN), HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN) and HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) departed the Clyde for Malta. They were escorted by the destroyers HMS Tartar (Capt. B. Jones, DSO and Bar, DSC, RN), HMS Ulysses (Lt.Cdr. B.G.B. Bordes, DSC, RN), HMCS Assiniboine (Cdr.(Retd.) E.L. Armstrong, RCN) and the frigates HMS Cotton (Lt.Cdr. I.W.T. Beloe, RN), HMS Inman (T/A/Lt.Cdr. H.E. Petre, RNR) and HMS Stockham (T/A/Lt.Cdr. B.C. Hamilton, RNR).

Around 0830A/15, HMS Cotton, HMS Inman and HMS Stockham parted company.

Around 1130A/15, the escort destroyer HMS Croome (A/Lt.Cdr. B.C. Ward, DSC, RN) joined company.

Around 1300A/16, the destroyers HMS Malcolm (Cdr. H. Lloyd-Williams, DSO, RNVR), HMS Verity (Lt.Cdr. C.G. Cowley, RN) and HMS Wolverine (A/Lt.Cdr. A.J.M. Miller, DSC, RNVR) joined company.

Around 1330A/17, the light aircraft carriers anchored in Gibraltar Bay.

Around 1500A/17, the light aircraft carriers weighed anchor to continue their passage to Gibraltar. They were now escorted by HMS Ulysses. To the east of Gibraltar RDF exercises were carried out with the destroyer HMS Barfleur (Cdr. M.S. Townsend, DSO, DSC and Bar, OBE, RN).

Around 2215A/17, HMS Tartar joined company.

Around 1000A/20, the fleet arrived at Malta. (5)

20 Mar 1945 Around 1200A/20, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) departed Malta for Alexandria, apparently unescorted. (4)

22 Mar 1945 Around 1400B/22, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) arrived at Alexandria from Malta.

At Alexandria she is taken in hand for dockyard work. (4)

26 Apr 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) is docked in AFD 5 at Alexandria. (6)

28 Apr 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) is undocked. (6)

2 May 1945 During 2/3 May 1945, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying exercises off Alexandria. She was escorted by the Italian destroyer Artigliere. (7)

4 May 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations off Alexandria. (7)

7 May 1945 During 7/8 May 1945, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations off Alexandria. (7)

14 May 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations off Alexandria. (7)

15 May 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations off Alexandria. (7)

16 May 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations off Alexandria. (7)

17 May 1945 During 17/18 May 1945, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations off Alexandria. (7)

22 May 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) conducted flying operations off Alexandria. (7)

27 May 1945 Around 1800C/27, the light aircraft carriers HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN), HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN) and HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) departed Alexandria for Suez.

They passed the Suez Canal southbound the following day and arrived at Suez around 1815C/27. (8)

28 May 1945 Around 2215C/28, the light aircraft carriers HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN), HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN) and HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) departed Suez for Aden. They were escorted by the destroyers HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. P.B.N. Lewis, DSC, RN). (8)

1 Jun 1945 Around 1430C/1, HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN), HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN), HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. P.B.N. Lewis, DSC, RN) arrived at Aden from Suez. (9)

2 Jun 1945 Around 1130C/2, the light aircraft carriers HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN), HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) and the destroyers HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. P.B.N. Lewis, DSC, RN) departed Aden for Ceylon / Madras.

Around 1800C/2, the battleship HMS Duke of York (Capt. A.D. Nicholl, DSO, RN) joined company.

Around 0700FG/8, HMS Colossus and HMS Vengeance parted company to proceed to Madras and Trincomalee respectively. The other ships entered Colombo harbour later that morning. (9)

9 Jun 1945 Around 0625FG/9, HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN) and HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) parted company off Trincomalee. HMS Vengeance then entered harbour while HMS Colossus continued on towards Madras. (10)

10 Jun 1945 Around 1000FG/10, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) arrived at Madras.

Around 2000FG/10, she departed Madras for Colombo. (11)

12 Jun 1945 Around 1430FG/12, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) arrived at Colombo from Madras. Before entering harbour she ran over the D/G range. (11)

14 Jun 1945 Around 1055FG/14, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) departed Colombo for Trincomalee. (11)

15 Jun 1945 Around 0945FG/15, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) arrived at Trincomalee from Colombo. (11)

18 Jun 1945 Around 1130C/2, the light aircraft carriers HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN), HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN) HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) and the destroyer HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) conducted exercises off Trincomalee. (9)

24 Jun 1945 Around 0930FG/24, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) departed Trincomalee for Madras. On leaving harbour she first made runs over the D/G range.

Around 1750FG/24, the destroyer HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) joined company.

Around 1140FG/25, they arrived at Madras. (11)

25 Jun 1945 Around 1830FG/25, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) and HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) departed Madras for Colombo and Trincomalee respectively.

Around 1030FG/26, HMS Tyrian was detached to Trincomalee. (11)

27 Jun 1945 Around 0900FG/27, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) arrived at Colombo from Madras. (11)

3 Jul 1945 Around 1530FG/3, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) departed Colombo for Madras. On leaving harbour some aircraft were flown on during which the Italian destroyer Carbiniere conducted plane guard duties.

The destroyer parted company around 1905FG/3. (12)

5 Jul 1945 Around 1030FG/5, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) arrived at Madras from Colombo.

She departed for Trincomalee around 2100FG/5. (12)

6 Jul 1945 Around 1305FG/6, HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) arrived Trincomalee from Madras. (12)

7 Jul 1945 Around 0630FG/7, the battleship HMS Anson (Capt. A.C.G. Madden, RN) departed Trincomalee for Fremantle. She first conducted underway refuelling exercises off Trincomalee.

Around 0730FG/7 the light carriers HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) and the destroyers HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. P.B.N. Lewis, DSC, RN) departed Trincomalee for Fremantle.

They were joined around 1900FG/7 by the light carrier HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN) which had departed Colombo around 0800FG/7.

HMS Anson joined the other ships around 0630FG/8.

En-route to Fremantle both destroyers refuelled from HMS Anson.

They arrived at Fremantle around 0800H, 16 July 1945. (13)

16 Jul 1945 Around 1745H/16, the battleship HMS Anson (Capt. A.C.G. Madden, RN), light carriers HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.J.H. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN), HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN), Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) and the destroyers HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. P.B.N. Lewis, DSC, RN) departed Fremantle for Sydney.

Around 2100H/16, HMS Anson was detached to fuel at Albany where she arrived around 1430H/17.

Around 1200H/18, HMS Anson departed Albany for Sydney.

All ships arrived at Sydney in the morning of 22 July except for HMS Tuscan which arrived in the afternoon and HMS Colossus which entered Jervis Bay in the morning of 22 July.

HMS Colossus proceeded from Jervis Bay to Sydney on 23 July. (13)

13 Aug 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) proceeded from Sydney to Jervis Bay. En-route flying operations were carried out during which HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. P.B.N. Lewis, DSC, RN) conducted plane guard duties.

On arriving off Jervis Bay, HMS Tuscan parted company. (14)

14 Aug 1945 HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) proceeded from Jervis Bay to Sydney. (14)

15 Aug 1945 The aircraft carrier HMS Indomitable (Capt. J.A.S. Eccles, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral C.H.J. Harcourt, CB, CBE, RN), light carriers HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN), HMS Venerable (Capt. W.A. Dallmeyer, DSO, RN), HMS Vengeance (Capt. D.M.L. Neame, DSO and Bar, RN), light cruisers HMS Bermuda (Capt. J.S. Bethell, CBE, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral C. Moody, CB, RN), HMS Swiftsure (Capt. P.V. McLaughlin, RN) and the destroyers HMS Kempenfelt (Capt. E.G. McGregor, DSO, RN), HMS Whirlwind (Cdr. W.A.F. Hawkins, DSO, DSC, OBE, RN), HMS Ursa (Cdr. D.B. Wyburd, DSC, RN), HMS Tumult (Lt.Cdr. A.S. Pomeroy DSC, RN), HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. P.B.N. Lewis, DSC, RN) and HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) departed Sydney for Manus where they arrived on 19 / 20 August 1945.

The following vessels arrived at Manus on 19 August 1945; HMS Illustrious, HMS Venerable, HMS Swiftsure, HMS Kempenfelt, HMS Whirlwind and HMS Ursa. The remaining vessels arrived on 20 August 1945. (15)

20 Aug 1945 Around 1800K/20, Task Unit 111.3, made up of the light cruiser carrier HMS Bermuda (Capt. J.S. Bethell, CBE, RN, flying the flag of R.M Servaes, CBE, RN), HMS Argonaut (Capt. W.P. McCarthy, RN), light aircraft carrier HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN)and the destroyers HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN), HMS Tumult (Lt.Cdr. A.S. Pomeroy DSC, RN) and HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. P.B.N. Lewis, DSC, RN) departed Manus for Leyte.

Around 2100K/20, HMS Tyrian and HMS Tuscan parted company to return to Manus. (16)

23 Aug 1945 Around 1930I/23, Task Unit 111.3, made up of the light cruiser carrier HMS Bermuda (Capt. J.S. Bethell, CBE, RN, flying the flag of R.M Servaes, CBE, RN), HMS Argonaut (Capt. W.P. McCarthy, RN), light aircraft carrier HMS Colossus (Capt. G.H. Stokes,CB, DSC, RN) and the destroyer HMS Tumult (Lt.Cdr. A.S. Pomeroy DSC, RN) arrived at Leyte.


On 6 August 1946, HMS Colossus was transferred to France for a five year loan and renamed Arromanches. In 1951 Arromanches was purchased outright by France when the loan expired. By this time she had already made two deployments to Indo China, two further deployments followed before the collapse of the French military position in 1954. Later in 19541 Arromanches operated in the Mediterranean where she participated in the Suez operations in 1956 flying Corsairs and Avengers. During 1957-1958 Arromanches underwent a major modification and received a four degree angled flight deck and a mirror landing device. In 1968 she underwent another major refit, this time Arromanches was re-designated a helicopter carrier with multi mission capabilities including ASW roles, fast operational transport and training. In 1974 Arromanches was withdrawn from service. She was scrapped at Toulon in 1978.


Commander From To 1 Capt. Graham Henry Stokes, DSC, RN 26 Jul 1944 mid 1946

Этот корабль в искусстве

Авианосец Colossus в игре «Мир Кораблей».

Корабль представлен в игре «Мир Кораблей» в качестве акционного премиумного британского авианосца VIII уровня Colossus.

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Литература и источники информации


Балакин С.А., Дашьян А.В., Морозов М.Э. Авианосцы Второй мировой. Новые властелины океанов. — Москва: 2006. — (Арсенал коллекция).


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