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Comandante Cappellini (1939)

Comandante Cappellini (1939)

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Итальянская подводная лодка со сложной судьбой.

|Ship image=File:Germany submarine UIT24 in 1944.jpg |Ship image size=300px |Ship caption=German submarine UIT24 in the Inland Sea, Japan, August, 1944. }} Шаблон:Infobox ship career Шаблон:Infobox ship career Шаблон:Infobox ship career Шаблон:Infobox ship characteristics |}

Comandante Cappellini was a World War II Italian Шаблон:sclass- built for the Italian Royal Navy (итал. Regia Marina). After Italy's surrender, the submarine was captured by the Japanese and handed over to Germany as UIT-24. Following the capitulation of Germany, the Japanese integrated the boat into their fleet as I-503 (яп. 伊号第五百三潜水艦). Following the end of the war, the United States scuttled the submarine in 1946.

История использования

Operating under the BETASOM command, Comandante Cappellini made war patrols in the Atlantic Ocean sinking or damaging 31,000 tons of enemy shipping. She participated in the rescue of the survivors of the Шаблон:RMS in September 1942. Was later converted to the transport of strategic materials to and from Japan.[1] After Italy's capitulation in 1943, the submarine was captured by the Imperial Japanese Navy and handed over to Germany at Sabang on 10 September 1943. Commissioned into the Kriegsmarine as foreign U-boat UIT-24 and assigned to 12th U-boat Flotilla with a mixed Italian and German crew. She remained in the Pacific despite failed attempts to return to the 12th flotilla base at Bordeaux, France.

После капитуляции Германии в 1945, подводная лодка была передана в Имперский Флот Японии под новым названием I-503 , при этом экипаж субмарины теперь состоял как из итальянцев, так и немцев, и японцев. Впрочем, после этого подводная лодка использовалась лишь в качестве транспорта. At Japan's surrender in August 1945, she was seized by the United States Navy, which scuttled her off Kobe on 16 April 1946.

В литературе и кинематографе

Подводная лодка Cappellini упоминалась и была показана в некоторых сценах в фильме 2011 года The Sinking of the Laconia.


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External links

Шаблон:Marcello class submarines Шаблон:WWIIItalianShips Шаблон:Foreign U-boats Шаблон:1946 shipwrecks

Шаблон:coord missing
