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Charles de Gaulle (1994)

Charles de Gaulle (1994)

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Версия 14:31, 28 февраля 2022Версия 14:32, 28 февраля 2022
Строка 160:Строка 160:
 === Авиационное вооружение === === Авиационное вооружение ===
?[[Файл:Nh90-12.jpg|thumb|250px|right|<small><center>Вертолёт ''NH-90''.</center></small>]]+[[Файл:Nh90-12.jpg|thumb|200px|right|<small><center>Вертолёт ''NH-90''.</center></small>]]
 [[Файл:Eh101-3.jpg|thumb|200px|right|<small><center>Вертолёт ''EH.101''</center></small>]] [[Файл:Eh101-3.jpg|thumb|200px|right|<small><center>Вертолёт ''EH.101''</center></small>]]
 Десантный корабль ''HNLMS Johan de Witt'' оснащён двухместной вертолётной площадкой и [[Navy:Ангар|ангаром]], рассчитанном на 6 противолодочных вертолётов [[Navy:NHIndustries_NH90|''NH-90'']] или 4 вертолёта ''EH.101''. Может также принимать вертолёты ''CH-47 Chinook'', [[Navy:Eurocopter_AS532_Cougar|''AS532 Cougar'']] или похожие. Десантный корабль ''HNLMS Johan de Witt'' оснащён двухместной вертолётной площадкой и [[Navy:Ангар|ангаром]], рассчитанном на 6 противолодочных вертолётов [[Navy:NHIndustries_NH90|''NH-90'']] или 4 вертолёта ''EH.101''. Может также принимать вертолёты ''CH-47 Chinook'', [[Navy:Eurocopter_AS532_Cougar|''AS532 Cougar'']] или похожие.

Версия 14:32, 28 февраля 2022


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Charles de Gaulle



Исторические данные
14 апреля 1989 Заложен
7 мая 1994 Спущен на воду
18 мая 2001 Введен в строй
Общие данные
37 585 / 42 500 т. Водоизмещение
261.5 / 64.4 / 10.5 м. Размерения
1950 чел. Общая численность

Авиационное вооружение

  • 35 самолётов (4 Rafale-M, 29 Super Étendard, 2 E-2C Hawkeye AEW);
  • 4 вертолёта (2 Super Frelon, 2 Dauphin).

Ракетное вооружение:

  • 2 (2×6) ПУ (12 ПКР Mistral);
  • 2 (2x16) ВПУ SAAM (32 ЗУР Aster-15).

Универсальное/артиллерийское вооружение:

Боевая загрузка

  • 33 танка или 170 единиц лёгкой бронетехники;
  • 550 чел. морской пехоты;
  • 2 катера специальных сил FRISC;
  • 4 десантных катера типа LCA или 2 типа LCU;
  • 4 LCVP или штурмовых жёстко-надувных лодки RHIB на шлюп-балках;
  • склады для грузов и боеприпасов вместимостью 770 м².
Charles de Gaulle (рус. «Шарль де Голь») - атомный авианосец ВМС Франции, единственный в своём типе.

Общие сведения

Шарль де Голль - флагман французского военно-морского флота (Национальная морская пехота). Этот корабль является десятым французским авианосцем, первым французским надводным кораблем с ядерной силовой установкой и единственным атомным авианосцем, построенным за пределами Военно-морского флота Соединенных Штатов. Она названа в честь французского государственного деятеля и генерала Шарля де Голля.

На борту корабля находятся самолеты Dassault Rafale M и E 2C Hawkeye, вертолеты EC725 Caracal и AS532 Cougar для боевого поиска и спасения, а также современная электроника и ракеты Aster. Она представляет собой авианосец типа CATOBAR, который использует две 75-метровые паровые катапульты C13 3 укороченной версии системы катапульт, установленной на авианосцах класса "Нимиц" США, одну катапульту в носовой части и одну в передней части посадочной площадки. По состоянию на май 2019 года "Шарль де Голль" является единственным неамериканским судном-носителем, имеющим систему запуска катапульты, которая позволила эксплуатировать F / A-18E / F Super Hornets и C-2 Greyhounds ВМС США.

Charles de Gaulle is the flagship of the French Navy (Marine Nationale). The ship is the tenth French aircraft carrier, the first French nuclear-powered surface vessel, and the only nuclear-powered carrier completed outside of the United States Navy. She is named after French statesman and general Charles de Gaulle.

The ship carries a complement of Dassault Rafale M and E 2C Hawkeye aircraft, EC725 Caracal and AS532 Cougar helicopters for combat search and rescue, as well as modern electronics and Aster missiles. She is a CATOBAR-type carrier that uses two 75 m C13 3 steam catapults of a shorter version of the catapult system installed on the U.S. Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, one catapult at the bow and one across the front of the landing area. As of May 2019, Charles de Gaulle is the only non-American carrier-vessel that has a catapult launch system, which has allowed for operation of F/A-18E/F Super Hornets and C-2 Greyhounds of the US Navy.

История создания


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Энергетическая установка и ходовые качества

Вспомогательное оборудование

Экипаж и обитаемость


Универсальное/артиллерийское вооружение

Пулемёт 12,7-мм/90 M2 BMG

В качестве зенитного артиллерийское вооружение используется два (2x7) ЗАК 30-мм/77 Goalkeeper. Для ближней обороны установлены восемь крупнокалиберных пулемётов калибра 12,7-мм/90 M2 BMG и два пулемёта 7,6-мм FN MAG.

Характеристика 30-мм Goalkeeper 12,7-мм M2 BMG 7,6-мм FN MAG
Калибр 77 90 90
Длина ствола, мм 2300 1143 630
Масса АУ, кг 6358 58,6 10,85
Скорострельность, выстр./мин. до 4200 485—635 600-1000
Начальная скорость снаряда, м/с 983 860 840
Угол возвышения -25° / + 85° -10° / +80° -15° / +90°
Боезапас на одно орудие 1190 100 ленточное боепитание
Максимальная дальность стрельбы, км 2 4,5-6,7 1,2-1,8

Авиационное вооружение

Вертолёт NH-90.
Вертолёт EH.101

Десантный корабль HNLMS Johan de Witt оснащён двухместной вертолётной площадкой и ангаром, рассчитанном на 6 противолодочных вертолётов NH-90 или 4 вертолёта EH.101. Может также принимать вертолёты CH-47 Chinook, AS532 Cougar или похожие.

Характеристика NH-90 EH.101
Диаметр главного винта, м 16.30 18.60
Длина, м 19.56 22.80
Высота, м 5.44 4.55
Силовая установка 2 ГТД Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca RTM 322-01/9 3 ГТД Rolls-Royce Turbom ca RTM322-02/8
Практический потолок, м 4250 4575
Дальность полета, км 1150 850-1300
Максимальная взлетная масса, кг 10000 14600
Крейсерская скорость, км/ч 262 278
Боевая дальность, км 950 н/д
Экипаж, чел 1-4 2
Полезная нагрузка 14-20 солдат или 12 носилок или 2500 кг груза в кабине и 700 кг на внешней подвеске (NFH) 30 солдат сидя или 45 солдат стоя или
16 носилок или 3050 кг груза в кабине или 5443 кг на подвеске
Вооружение Боевая нагрузка - 700 кг:
  • УР воздух-воздух, воздух-поверхность,
  • ПКР АМ-39 Exoset,
  • противолодочные торпеды Murena, Мк.46 или А244,
  • глубинные бомбы.
Боевая нагрузка:
  • один 12.7-мм пулемет,
  • возможна подвеска НУР, УР, ПТУР на 2 узлах подвески

Радиолокационное и радиоэлектронное вооружение

  • БИУС MCCIS с системами связи SATCOM, Link 11;
  • РЛС обнаружения воздушных и надводных целей средств УО - Variant Mk 2, Kelvin Hughes, Selesmar, 2x Goalkeeper;
  • пассивные средства РЭП ПУ SRBOC Mk 36 (4х6 - 130-мм);
  • система РЭР Argo AR-900 ;
  • электронно-оптическая система управления огнем IRSCAN;
  • система противоторпедной защиты SLQ-25A Nixie.

  • 2x DRBN-34 (Scanter 6001), DRBJ-11B (SMART-S Mk II), DRBV-26D, DRBV-15C, Arabel radars,
  • DIBV-2A Artemis e/o IR detector,
  • 2x DIBC-2A (EOMS NG) e/o directors,
  • ARBR-21, 2x ARBB-33, ARBG-2 MAIGRET ECM suites,
  • 4x Sagaie decoy RL,
  • SLAT torpedo decoy,
  • SENIT-8/05 CCS

Модернизации и переоборудования

История службы

On 11 October 2001, the frigate Cassard, four AWACS aircraft and Charles de Gaulle were involved in a successful trial of the Link 16 high-bandwidth secure data network. The network allows real-time monitoring of the airspace from the South of England to the Mediterranean Sea. The collected data were also transmitted in real time to the frigate Jean Bart through the older MIL-STD-6011 system.

On 21 November 2001, France decided to send Charles de Gaulle to the Indian Ocean in support of Operation Enduring Freedom against Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Task Force 473, with 2,900 men under the command of Contre-Amiral François Cluzel, sailed on 1 December 2001. The task force was composed of Charles de Gaulle, frigates Lamotte-Picquet, Jean de Vienne and Jean Bart, the nuclear attack submarine Rubis, the tanker Meuse and the D'Estienne d'Orves-class aviso Commandant Ducuing.

Embarked air power comprised sixteen Super Étendards, one E-2C Hawkeye, two Rafale Ms and several helicopters. The Super Étendards carried out their first missions above Afghanistan on 19 December, executing reconnaissance and bombing missions, covering over 3,000 kilometres. Overall they carried out 140 missions, averaging 12 per day. Approximately 770 sorties were carried out from the carrier.

On 18 February 2002, a Helios observation satellite spotted abnormal activities near Gardez. The next day, after American Special Forces in the region confirmed these observations, Charles de Gaulle launched two reconnaissance Super Étendards. On 20 February 2002, British and US forces entered the valley and Operation Anaconda began in early March 2002.

In March 2002, Super Étendards and six land-based Mirage 2000 aircraft carried out airstrikes against targets claimed to be al Qaeda. A few targets suggested by U.S. forces were denied out of fear of hitting civilians. Nevertheless, French involvement was complimented on 11 March 2002 by US President George W. Bush, who mentioned "our good ally, France, has deployed nearly one-fourth of its navy to support Operation Enduring Freedom". At this point, the French air complement had been increased to 16 Super Étendards, 6 Mirage 2000 D, 5 Rafales, and two Hawkeye AWACS. From February 2002, the air wings of Charles de Gaulle and USS John C. Stennis landed on each other's decks as a means of strengthening the ties between the allies.

On 2 May 2002, Charles de Gaulle arrived in Singapore for relief, and returned to Oman on 18 May 2002.

In June 2002 while Charles de Gaulle was in the Arabian Sea, armed Rafale fighters conducted combat air-patrols with the United States Navy off the coast of India and Pakistan, marking a significant point in the Rafale M's operational career and its integration with the carrier.

Charles de Gaulle participated in further actions as part of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2005. She returned to Southwest Asia in May 2006 and shortly after supported coalition efforts over Afghanistan. The aircraft carrier regularly participates in the annual bilateral naval exercises between the Indian and French navies called 'Varuna'.

A French naval task group, designated Task Force 473, led by Charles de Gaulle departed Toulon on 30 October 2010 for a four-month deployment, code-named Operation Agapanthus 2010, to the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Indian Ocean. and Persian Gulf. The task group also included the frigates Forbin and Tourville; the nuclear attack submarine Améthyste; the replenishment oiler Meuse, 3,000 sailors, and an Embarked Aviation Group (EAG) consisting of 12 Super-Étendard attack aircraft, 10 Rafale multi-role fighters, and two E-2C Hawkeye 2000 AEW aircraft. The task group commander, Rear Admiral Jean-Louis Kerignard, defined force's mission as follows: "The force would help allied navies fight piracy off the coast of Somalia and send jets to support NATO in the skies above Afghanistan."

Once on station, Task Force 473 joined two U.S. Navy carrier strike groups operating in the Persian Gulf, the Carrier Strike Group Nine led by USS Abraham Lincoln and Carrier Strike Group Ten led by USS Harry S. Truman. On 28 November 2010, according to an Associated Press dispatch, the French Ministry of Defense announced that a French Rafale fighter jet crashed near Charles de Gaulle, which was operating 60 miles (100 kilometres) off the coast of Pakistan in the Arabian Sea in support of coalition forces in Afghanistan. The pilot parachuted to safety and was picked up by helicopter, and the cause of the crash was under investigation. In December 2010, during its deployment to the Persian Gulf, the British Type 22 frigate Cumberland and the United States destroyer USS Halsey rotated from maritime security patrol to escort Charles de Gaulle in support of coalition military operations in Afghanistan. This represented an example of interoperability pursuant to the recently ratified Anglo-French defence cooperation treaty.

Between 7-14 January 2011, Task Force 473 participated in bilateral naval exercises, code named Varuna 10, with the Indian Navy. Indian naval units participating in Varuna 10 included the aircraft carrier Viraat, the frigates Godavari and Ganga; and the diesel-electric submarine Shalki. Varuna 10 was a two-phase naval exercise, with the harbor phase taking place between 7-11 January and the sea phase between 11-14 January in the Arabian Sea. Task Force 473 paid a port visit to Goa between 7-14 January 2011. The carrier Charles de Gaulle and the frigate Forbin also paid a goodwill visit to Khor Fakkan, United Arab Emirates, on 30 January 2011, docking at its container terminal facilities.

Operation Agapanthus 2010 concluded on 21 February 2011. Task Force 473 completed more than 1,000 flying hours flown from Charles de Gaulle in support of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) deployed in Afghanistan. Task Force 473 also participated in bilateral exercises with armed forces of India, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates to test the interoperability of French military forces and share expertise with the regional partners.

On 20 March 2011, Charles de Gaulle was deployed to the Mediterranean Sea to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 which called for a no-fly zone over Libya. Accompanying Charles de Gaulle were the frigates Dupleix and Aconit and the fleet replenishment tanker Meuse.

During Unified Protector, the air fleet had flown 1,350 sorties during the intervention in Libya. Charles de Gaulle was then withdrawn for maintenance at Toulon on 10 August.

Following this deployment, Charles de Gaulle underwent maintenance and upkeep during an at-sea underway period in December 2011.

On 2 February 2012, Charles de Gaulle was underway for three days of sea trials. Beginning on 5 February 2012, carrier qualifications began for the pilots of its air group. This included transitioning of pilots flying Super Étendard Modernisé (SEM) strike fighters to the new Rafale M fighters.

On 16 March 2012, Charles de Gaulle departed for a one-month deployment to the Mediterranean Sea. Charles de Gaulle's task force was under the overall command of Rear Admiral Philippe Coindreau, and it consisted of the frigates Chevalier Paul, Dupleix, Montcalm, and Enseigne de vaisseau Jacoubet; the replenishment tanker Meuse; and the nuclear-powered submarine Émeraude. Charles de Gaulle's embarked air group consisted of 7 Rafale fighters, 7 Super Étendards Modernisés (SEM) strike fighters, and 2 E 2C Hawkeye airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft. The highlight of the deployment for the task group was 2012 FANAL exercises that began on 5 April 2012 which also included land-based Atlantique 2 maritime patrol aircraft. 2012 FANAL concluded on 12 April, and this was the first major exercise involving the French Navy's new Caïman helicopter.

In January 2015, Charles de Gaulle began being prepared for exercises in the Indian Ocean. In late February, the carrier and its battle group entered the Persian Gulf to participate in Opération Chammal against Islamic State militants in Iraq. France was the first country to join the American-led intervention and has 15 fighters, a patrol aircraft, and refueling aircraft based on land in neighboring countries. The addition of Charles de Gaulle added up to another 30 aircraft to France's commitment to operations. The carrier battle group arrived in the Persian Gulf on 15 February 2015 and began launching airstrikes on 22 February; this occurred seven weeks after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, as France vowed to be more responsive to jihadist terrorism. Sailing off the north coast of Bahrain, the carrier's 12 Rafale and 9 Super Étendard fighters could reach targets in half the time it would take French fighters based in the United Arab Emirates. Charles de Gaulle left the Persian Gulf in late-April 2015 after launching strike and surveillance missions against IS targets to participate in exercises with the Indian military; the carrier launched 10-15 sorties per day during its two-month deployment.

On 5 November 2015, France announced Charles de Gaulle would return to the area to conduct operations and the ship departed from its base in Toulon, southern France, on 18 November. Although originally planned to redeploy to the Persian Gulf, the carrier and its strike group was re-routed to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea off the Syrian coastline, much closer to targets within Syria. Sources claim Charles de Gaulle has a larger than normal air wing of 26 fighters consisting of 18 Rafales and 8 Super Étendards; the carrier has approximately 31-34 aircraft total (the official limit is 40 aircraft). The carrier began operations on 23 November 2015, 10 days after the ISIL terrorist attacks in Paris. On 7 December 2015, Rear Admiral René-Jean Crignola of the French Maritime Force, embarked in Charles de Gaulle, took command of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command's Task Force 50, leading coalition naval strike operations. He was the first non-American to do so. In June 2016, the United States Navy awarded the crew of the Charles de Gaulle a Meritorious Unit Commendation for its accomplishments.

In late September 2016, Charles de Gaulle was deployed from Toulon to the Syrian coast for the Battle of Mosul. Its squadron of 24 Rafale M aircraft supported the international coalition against ISIL through airstrikes and reconnaissance missions.

In 2020, while continuing Opération Chammal in the Eastern Mediterranean, Charles de Gaulle was joined by the US Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Ross. They joined forces on Operation Inherent Resolve which is an international coalition against the Daesh. Throughout the mission, the carrier strike group was joined by allied navy vessels from Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands and Portugal. The cooperation illustrated common operational efficiency in the Mediterranean. During the operation, the Charles de Gaulle carrier group, its 2,000-member crew, a Durance-class tanker and a Hellenic Navy frigate docked at the Port of Limassol for a five-day port call. The President of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, and ambassador Isabelle Dumont addressed the aircraft crew in the presence of Captain Guillaume Pinget.

The aircraft carrier led the carrier strike group Task Force 473 on a five-month long operation that began in March 2019, through the Mediterranean Sea. Aircraft from Charles de Gaulle participated in the last major combat against the Islamic State in the Battle of Baghuz Fawqani and then sailed for the Indian Ocean. Arriving in Singapore on 28 May, the aircraft carrier participated in a bilateral exercise with the Singapore Armed Forces.


См. также


Литература и источники информации


Александров Ю.И., Апальков Ю.В. II // Боевые корабли мира на рубеже XX-XXI веков. — СПб: «Галлея Принт», 2004. — Т. II.


Галерея изображений