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Hai Chi (1898)

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 == История создания == == История создания ==
?=== Предшественники ===+{{main|Navy:Бронепалубные_крейсера_типа_Hai_Chi|l1=Бронепалубные крейсера типа ''Hai Chi''}}
?=== Предпосылки к созданию ===+
? +
? +
?=== Проектирование ===+
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Версия 17:25, 17 марта 2023

Hai Chi


Империя Цин
Китайская Республика

Исторические данные
11 ноября 1896 Заложен
24 января 1898 Спущен на воду
10 мая 1899 Введен в строй
11 августа 1937 Гибель
Общие данные
4300 / 4515 т. Водоизмещение
129,2 / 14,22 / 5,45 м. Размерения
350 чел. Общая численность
76-37 мм. Палуба
114 / / / мм. Башни ГК
152 мм. Боевая рубка

Артиллерия главного калибра:

  • 2 (2×1) орудий 203-мм/45 Armstrong T.

Вспомогательная артиллерия:

  • 10 (10x1) орудий 120-мм/45 Armstrong Y.

Зенитная артиллерия:

Минно-торпедное вооружение:

  • 5 ТА 450-мм (1 носовой, 4 бортовых).
Однотипные корабли
Hai Chi (кит. 海圻, рус. «Хайци») - бронепалубный крейсер военно-морского флота Империи Цин. Головной корабль серии из двух крейсеров одноимённого типа, построенных в Великобритании для китайской империи. 11 августа 1937 г. затоплен на Янцзы в Цзяньине для заграждения фарватера.

Общие сведения

Крейсер был защитным крейсером, приобретенным цинским правительством у британской компании Armstrong в рамках плана реконструкции флота после Первой японо-китайской войны. Он был спущен на воду в 1896 году и вступил в строй в 1898 году. 25 сентября 1937 года, чтобы помешать японцам продвигаться на запад вдоль реки Янцзы, он прорвал линию блокады водного пути Цзяньинь реки Янцзы. Он был восстановлен в 1960 году и снесен после того, как был извлечен из воды.

История создания

Постройка и испытания

Описание конструкции


Энергетическая установка и ходовые качества

Экипаж и обитаемость

476 человек


Главный калибр

Вспомогательная артиллерия

Зенитная артиллерия

Минно-торпедное вооружение

Средства связи, обнаружения, вспомогательное оборудование

Модернизации и переоборудования

1920s, Hai Chi: - 4 x 1 - 47/40; + 4 x 1 - 37/27 Maxim

История службы

Hai Chi был построен в 1897-99 годах на верфи Armstrong Whitworth в Ньюкасл-на-Тайне. Прибыл в Китай 22 мая 1899 года с британским экипажем по контракту три недели спустя. В августе 1899 года оба крейсера находились в Китае в составе восстановленного Бэйянского флота, стоявшего на якоре в Дагу (Таку, знаменитые форты, которые привели к сражению во время восстания боксеров).

Hai Chi был назначен флагманом, носившим знак коммодора Са Чжэньбина, CiC флота Бэйян, самого большого и современного флота северного Китая. Вторым был Наньянский флот, базировавшийся в Шанхае.

Hai Chi was present during the boxer rebellion, when the Beiyang Fleet sailed for the Taku forts on 31 May 1900. They were to face the alliance fleet, composed of 23 warships from nations implicated in the expedition, with guns facing each others. There was a state of high tension until on 16 June 1900 a delegation was sent by the eight-Nation Alliance fleet. As it was refused, the nations of Russia, UK, Japan, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy prepared to bombard the forts and land Marine troops.

The Battle of the Taku Forts: On June 15, electric mines has been deployed in the Peiho River and commanders of the alliance met the following day to decide that Control of the Taku forts was key to control of northern China. Vice-Admiral Hildebrandt (Russian Navy) sent the ultimatum to the commander of the forts, sending it back by telegraph to the Governor of Zhili Province. Terms were to “occupy provisionally, by consent or by force” the Forts. The deadline was 2 a.m. on June 17. USN Rear Admiral Louis Kempff stated he has no authority to undertake hostilities but agreed to send the gunboat USS Monocacy to take on civilians near the fort out of harm. Only ten ships crossed over the river banks and entered the Hai River 200 yds wide and 900 men were assembled while the Chinese gunners, troops and sailors of gunboats had 2,000 men. In addition of mines torpedo tubes were installed at the forts. The first shots were Chinese, at about 00:45 on June 17. Korietz was heavily damage and Monocacy took a hit and was moved away. HMS Whiting, SMS Iltis, Lion and Giliak were also all hit, and severely damaged. Four modern German-built destroyers alongside the dock at Taku were swiftly captured by men from HMS Whiting and HMS Fame. The artillery duel went on until dawn until the ground assault took place on the Northwest Fort, with 200 Russians and Austrians followed by 380 British and Italians and next 300 Japanese. Fortunately a lucky hit blasted the fort’s powder magazine, opening a breech and causing a massive confusion, helping the the Japanese storming the fort, while the British and Italians assaulted North Fort. Next the fleet bombarded the forts on the south side of the river. Another powder magazine blew up in one, and they were abandoned, captured later with almost no opposition. All this was over at 6:30 a.m.

Hai Chi is evacuated The remainder of the Beiyang fleet was evacuated southwards. Hai Chi was anchored in Jiangyin, spending the year 1901 with the the Nanyang Fleet until peace was signed. In 1904 both ships were stationed at Zhifu harbor. Her sister ship was moving to Shanghai when she struck a reef and was stuck there and eventually lost, abandoned, leaving Hai Chi the sole ship of her class. The next years were uneventful for Hai Chi, due to limited budget for training. She spent these years mostly at anchor.

Revolution In 1911, Hai Chi visited the United Kingdom, representing China at the grand fleet review in honor to George V’s coronation, in Spithead. The British-built cruiser profited from it to make a stop at Newcastle and be equipped with a completely new electrical network and generators, at Armstrong Whitworth. She received a message about the Torreón massacre in Mexico, and soon sailed to visit the United States, Cuba and Mexico, possibly taking on nationals. On 11 September 1911, she became in effect the first Imperial Chinese warship to enter American waters. She soon sailed to Cuba and then Mexico. The country, under the gun’s threat, agreed to Chinese demands for reparations and took action against the rebels. Hai Chi then sailed home, mission accomplished, only to discover the Empire has fallen and that a new government was in place. This was the Republic of China.

Hai Chi therefore changed flag, swapping the old dragon on yellow background of the Empire to the red-blue and sun symbol of the Republic. However, the situation was agitated, civil war was near. In 1917, the cruiser joined the fleet loyal to Sun Yat-sen’s Constitutional Protection Movement. War erupted against the secessionist Beijing government. In 1923, Hai Chi returned in the north, and in 1926 joined the Fengtian clique, headed by Gen. Zhang Zuolin in Manchuria. Manchuria was lost to Japan after the Mukden Incident in 1931, and Hai Chi sailed to Qingdao with other Fengtian ships and carrying troops. Soon after was constituted the ROC Navy’s 3rd Fleet. In 1933 due to the fleet commander fauling to pay the crews, Hai Chi sailed with two other ships south and, to the Guangdong navy. In 1935, the governor of Guangdong province disgruntled the crews, and Hai Chi, and another cruiser, fought heir way through a blockade and reach Hong Kong, and from there, sailed to Nanjing. There, after negociations, a compromise was found, and the ships were now nominally part of the Third Fleet, but under direct command of the ministry of defence.

As the sino-Japanese war erupted two years later, Hai Chi, which by that time has been little modernized, was scuttled as a blockship in the Yangtze River. This decision was taken on 11 August 1937, to obstruct the Japanese advance. It was motivated by simple common sense, as she would have stood little chance against modern Japanese cruisers and battleships, or the aviation. Without any significant modernization she was toothless indeed. However her main guns were still valuable enough to be dismantled before scuttling. Her heavy and secondary guns were later installed in the riverine defences of Wuhan. So the cruiser never had the occasion to fight the Japanese.

Этот корабль в искусстве

Hai Chi как элемент Коллекции «Век Са Чжэньбина».

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